
von Zuben

Von Zuben

Research & Consulting

Limited Company

·       Scientific & Technical Writing

·       Research in Theoretical & Applied Physics

·       Positioning, Navigation, & Timing Systems Design, Development, & Evaluation



Papers and Publications




·       Francis S. G. Von Zuben and Chad T. Marlow, “Navigation Bias Shifts due to GPS Constellation Changes,” Proceedings of the Institute of Navigation 2006 National Technical Meeting (Monterey, California, 2006)

·       Francis S. G. Von Zuben, “Quantum Time and Spatial Localization; An Analysis of the Hegerfeldt Paradox,” Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol. 41, September 2000.

·       Francis S. G. Von Zuben, Alfred S. David, Jr., and June E. Lay, “Time Synchronization in Flight Test Data Analysis,” Proceedings of the International Telemetry Conference, ITC/USA 2000 (San Diego, October 2000).

·       Francis S. G. Von Zuben, “Quantum Time and Spatial Localization,” Proceedings of the IEEE 2000 Position, Location, and Navigation Symposium (San Diego, March 2000)

·       Francis S. G. Von Zuben, Quantum Time and Spatial Localization in Relativistic Quantum Mechanics (Ph. D. dissertation, UMI Company, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1999)


Technical Reports


·       Von Zuben, F.S.G., ”Guidance Quality and Availability for F-35 Joint Precision Approach and Landing System” (2YZA02640, Lockheed Martin, 2015)

·       Von Zuben, F.S.G., “Test Report for the Navigation System Risk Reduction Test Program for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter at Holloman Air Force Base” (2YZA02429, Lockheed Martin, 2015)

·       Von Zuben, F.S.G., editor, “Architectural Description and Performance Analysis for the Joint Strike Fighter Joint Precision Approach and Landing System (Lockheed Martin 2010)

·        Von Zuben, F.S.G., editor: “Joint Strike Fighter Coordinate Systems” (2RZD00020, Lockheed Martin, 2009)

·       Von Zuben, F.S.G., editor, “Joint Strike Fighter Coordinate Systems, Derivations” (2RZD00021, Lockheed Martin, 2009)

·       Von Zuben, F.S.G., editor, “Joint Strike Fighter Coordinate Systems, Application Specific Representations” (2RZD00022, Lockheed Martin, 2009)

·       Von Zuben, F.S.G., “Architectural Description of the F-35 Lightning II Navigation System (Lockheed Martin, 2007)

·       Von Zuben, F. S. G., “Back-Up Heading Trade Study and Secondary Flight Reference Display Options for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter” (J040016, Lockheed Martin, 2004)

·       Von Zuben, F. S. G.; Bibb, Gene E.; Smith,  Mike S.; Stuteville, Steve L., “F-16 Civil Navigation Interoperability Study” (16PR15906, Lockheed Martin, 2001)

·       Von Zuben, F. S. G.; Bibb, Gene E.; Smith,  Mike S.; Stuteville, Steve L., “Navigation Warfare Configuration Study for the F-16” (16PR15730, Lockheed Martin, 2001)

·       Von Zuben, F. S. G.; Bibb, Gene E.; Stuteville, Steve L., “F-16 GPS Radio-Frequency Interface” (16PR15394, Lockheed Martin, 2000)

·       Malaspina, R. E., Von Zuben, F. S. G., “Installed Function and Performance of the Embedded GPS / INS on the F-16 Block 25/30/32 Aircraft” (16PR13939, Lockheed Martin, 2000)

Research Interests

Papers and Publications


Curriculum Vitae


